2 Mart 2012 Cuma


What is FFSNG?
FFSNG is a virtual trading game which can be played from your facebook account.Every player has a specific value and cash at the begining.When you are bought your value increases and also get cash too.Don't bother if your pet(player you bought) not sold because if you work your pet you earn cash too.

The game just started actually all we don't know how it will be and go on but we will try to give information about our past ffs game experiences.
Some information about how the game works:

-When you buy a pet: 

  • Pet's value increases 10% ($100M if pet's value exceeds $1B)
  • You pay the pet's new value + 5% tax (capped at $50M and 4% will be added to your tax pool which will be returned to you)
  • Pet's cash increases by 5% of its new value (tax capped at $50M)
  • Pet's previous owner gets the previous pet's value in cash + 4% of pet's new value (capped at $50M)
-How do I earn tokens and cash ?
  • Login into your account every 6 hours and you will get $250,000 bonus cash.
  • Every pet has an energy that refills every 24 hours. During that period you can work it earning both of you bonus cash. The more the energy the greater the bonus.
  • We do issue quite often free bank raids (in tokens or cash) that are valid for 24 hours only. Keep an eye for new raid links at the top of the search page.
  • By buying tokens using Facebook credits or Paypal, and exchanging them for cash.
  • The current exchange rate is 1 token for $10,000 cash.
-What is the activity level ?
The system is constantly analyzing your actions and will set your activity level which will affect every single profit (from trading or from working) that you generate. We will never disclose the factors that affect your activity level, so they cannot be abused.
There are 3 activity levels with specific profit factors assigned to them:
  • Active player = 100%
  • Casual player = 80%
  • Just looking around/Will be back soon (Inactive player) = 40%
If you are not verified by phone, all profit factors described above will be cut by 50%. You can see all possible combinations in the table illustrated below.
Active player 100% 50%
Casual player 80% 40%
Inactive player 40% 20%

-How does auto-buy work ?
If you want to raise a pet with your friends and you do not want to refresh the page to check if the pet is bought away from you, you can let the system do this for you by following these steps:

  • Click on the "Buy" action link on a user's profile.
  • Check the "Auto-open buy window on owner change" check box.
  • If you don't want to manually click on buy, check the "Activate auto-buy" check box and the system will click the buy button for you after 3 seconds.
You can cancel the flow by:
  • Hitting the ESC button on your keyboard when the buy window opens.
  • Clicking on "Cancel" button.
  • Unchecking the "Activate auto-buy" check box.
-How does raise work ?
If you don't have a friend that can help you raise your pets, you can use our automated raise bot. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Click on "Raise" action link on a pet's profile.
  • Input the desired cash amount that you wish to spend at most during the raise.
  • Click on "Calculate first" button. Check the displayed information on the new values and after making sure that everything is correct, uncheck the "Calculation mode" check box and click on "Raise" button.

Important notes:
  • You pay for any reset that the raisebot will perform and you will get the “reset given” achievement.
  • Once the raise is performed, it cannot be undone.
-What is a reset ?
When a pet's value exceeds $1B, the pet's buying price will be at $1,5B and:

  • Pet's new value will be reset at $1M and pet will get one "reset taken" achievement. The number of resets taken will be displayed as "level" in a red box near the pet's name. "Level 1" means 1 reset, "Level 2" means 2 resets and so on.
  • You will get a "reset given" achievement, and if it is your first, you will get a crown displayed on your profile picture and near your name as well. Hover over any crown to see the amount of resets given.

This procedure will be repeated at every new $1B increase in value.


  • 1st reset at $1B: You pay $1,5B and pet's value is reset at $1M
  • 2nd reset at $2B: You pay $2,5B and pet's value is reset at $1M
  • 3rd reset at $3B: You pay $3,5B and pet's value is reset at $1M
  • And so on ...

Note: The amount you pay for a reset is thrown into the economy and you lose it completely.

You can cancel the flow by:

Hitting the ESC button on your keyboard when the buy window opens.
Clicking on "Cancel" button.
Unchecking the "Activate auto-buy" check box.

-What is a tax return ?
The system will apply a 5% tax on every purchase (capped at $50M). 1% is thrown into the economy and 4% will be kept in your personal tax pool which will be returned to you every 24 hours. You check your tax pool details (amount and remaining time) at the bottom of your profile.

-Can moderators read my private posts ?
Private chat is just private. That means no other player, moderator or unauthorized user can see what you two say to each other. But you should avoid sending sensitive personal information such as passwords or credit card numbers. Please also note that your private posts are subject to your home country's applicable laws and we take no responsibility for them.

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